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Coronavirus international - Social Media Kit


By getting involved on social media, you can help us to reach even more people in our appeal for donations. Join us in calling on everyone’s sense of solidarity so that we can help people who are suffering hardship because of the coronavirus.


Explosion in Beirut - How your donation helps


Thanks to your donations we can fund projects run by our partner NGOs to help people in Beirut quickly and where they need it most. THANK YOU!


Checking in with Roland Thomann after an unusually tumultuous start as Director


Taking over from his predecessor Tony Burgener on 1 January 2020, Roland Thomann did not have the luxury of easing into his new position as one normally would. For all of us at Swiss Solidarity, the coronavirus turned everyone’s work lives completely upside-down.


Emergency aid Lebanon - We are calling for your solidarity


Give hope to the Lebanese people: donate to help provide emergency assistance


Coronavirus International – Solidarity knows no borders


In view of the worsening situation in refugee camps and the world’s poorest countries, we have set up a donations account for coronavirus projects abroad.


Your donation makes a difference !


Wir publizieren regelmässig unsere Wirkungsanalysen: In unseren Newslettern, auf unseren Social-Media-Kanälen und im neu erschienen Jahresbericht, den wir auf unserer Website publizieren.


Five years after the earthquake: How your donation has helped.


The devastating earthquake in Nepal on 25 April 2015 was followed by many aftershocks, some of them violent. Eight million people lost family members, their homes, and their livelihoods. Thanks to your donations, our partner NGOs were able to provide targeted aid, the effects of which can be seen five


CHF 10,223,803 in donations for assistance in Switzerland during the coronavirus crisis


These extraordinary times called for and resulted in a day of extraordinary solidarity. Launched on 23 March, the fundraising campaign culminated today in this outstanding day of solidarity.      


2019: What we achieved together


Thanks to your support and the untiring efforts of our partner NGOs, in 2019 we were able to give hope to around six million people in Switzerland and abroad suffering in crises and catastrophes. We are delighted to share with you some of our success stories from last year.


New support for homeless and excluded people in Switzerland


Homeless or without a fixed address, these people are excluded, suffer from isolation and face many health problems. We are accepting donations and launching an appeal for projects to give these people back their place in Swiss society.


Rohingya: 5 ways to respond during extended crises


A million refugees still live in very precarious conditions with little hope of being able to return. Find out what our partner NGOs are doing with your donations to improve the everyday lives of the Rohingya refugees.


Ten years on, what do the people of haiti think of the aid funded by your donations?


Ten years after an earthquake devastated Haiti, 9 out of 10 of respondents in an independent impact study on the projects we funded with your donations attributed the most significant change in their lives to the projects led by our partner NGOs! While we are delighted with the success achieved


Haiti, 10 years on: How your donations are still making a difference today


A decade has passed since a devastating earthquake struck Haiti. Since then, over two million people affected by the 2010 disaster have benefited from projects funded by your donations. Here are a few examples of what our partner NGOs have been able to accomplish with your support, whose effects are


Haiti 10 years on: Where are earthquake victims today?


A decade later, their lives are still marked by the earthquake which struck Haiti in 2010. Victims lived through the shock brought on by the disaster, missing loved ones that they might have lost in the devastating aftermath, and despite everything, were able to meet their day-to-day needs in difficult


Administering donations sustainably and responsibly


When you entrust us with donations, it is paramount that they be administered sustainably and responsibly, which is why we work exclusively with professional, recognised partner NGOs. We have also introduced monitoring mechanisms to ensure that donations are used in the most relevant and effective manner.


Anniversary appeal for women in forgotten crises


We are dedicating our 250th fundraising appeal to women in forgotten crises. Our partner TWINT is supporting this appeal with a great campaign.


Our 250th fundraising appeal


Our success story began 73 years ago. On 26 September 1946 Swiss Solidary conducted its first campaign to raise money for children suffering from the effects of the war. We dedicate our 250th fundraising appeal to women in forgotten crises.


The biggest fundraising appeals


In 73 years we have received donations in the amount of CHF 1.8 billion (including estimated donations in kind).