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Haiti and Afghanistan: World Humanitarian Day Overshadowed by Two Crises on the Ground


Last Saturday, an earthquake struck Haiti wreaking death and devastation, a situation compounded a few days later by a tropical storm. In Afghanistan, Kabul was captured by the Taliban faster than expected as the world became aguishly witness to the dreary consequences of this take over. These two humanitarian disasters


1 year after the devastating explosion in Beirut


Emergency aid has evolved towards long-term support with the goal of sustaining victims in their everyday life. Various partner organisations are still active in Lebanon’s capital to support people in returning to their daily routine. Continue reading to see how affected people still benefit from your donations and support.


«Coronavirus International»: CHF 5 million in additional donations


The people of Switzerland have again showed great solidarity by responding to our renewed «Coronavirus International» appeal—since early May, Swiss Solidarity has raised CHF 5 million in new donations.


Coronavirus International: Your solidarity matters today more than ever


In Switzerland, the pandemic is well on its way to being contained. But in other countries, the coronavirus is running rampant. In South Asia and Latin America in particular, the humanitarian needs are enormous. In response, Swiss Solidarity and its partner relief organisations are stepping up their appeal for donations.


Emergency Relief for the victims of the conflict in the Middle East


The conflict in the Middle East is exacting a heavy toll on civilians. Swiss Solidarity’s various partner relief organisations are on the ground actively delivering emergency assistance.  


Judith Schuler - New Head of Communication and Fundraising at Swiss Solidarity


On 1 March 2021, Judith Schuler joined the management team as Head of Communication & Fundraising at Swiss Solidarity in Zurich. With over 15 years of experience in the field of international cooperation with organisations both abroad and in Switzerland, Judith comes well equipped to take on her new role


2020 Annual Report – Switzerland and its solidarity in action


What does the pandemic mean for Swiss Solidarity? Have people continued donating during this difficult time? Was it still possible to implement aid projects? The answers to these questions can be found in this article and our most recent annual report.


Coronavirus International : Your donations' impact


Find out in this article how the projects your donations support are helping the people most affected by the coronavirus pandemic around the world.


How the people of Sulawesi have become disaster recovery experts


Earlier this year, two and a half years after being rocked by the 2018 earthquake and the cataclysmic tsunami it triggered, the people of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi were shaken by yet another devastating earthquake, this time 500 kilometres further south. Let’s take a look at the influence the


1 year coronavirus in Switzerland: A great show of solidarity!


16 March 2020 is a date that will remain in many people’s minds. The Federal Council declared an ‘extraordinary situation’ and it soon became clear that the imposed lockdown would create hardship for many people in Switzerland. Thanks to your help, we were able to respond rapidly. Here you can


See what we achieved together in 2020!


Who could have imagined that in 2020 a virus would turn our daily lives upside down? The extraordinary solidarity you showed in response made it possible for us to support those most affected both in Switzerland and abroad. Have a look at what we’ve achieved thanks to your solidarity!


Six months after an explosion rocked Lebanon, aid is ongoing and adapting as needs change


On 4 August 2020, a set of explosions in Beirut’s port area sowed death and devastation in the Lebanese capital. More than 180 people died, 6,500 were injured and many were left homeless or having to live in severely damaged buildings. Find out how, six months after the disaster, aid


Matthias Drilling - Expert in poverty and homelessness


We consult experts well versed in social issues in Switzerland to ensure that we use your donations to finance the best projects with the greatest impact.


Enormous destruction caused by hurricanes in Central America - one million francs released for emergency aid


We are releasing one million Swiss francs from our emergency aid fund so that our partner NGOs on the ground can provide essential emergency aid without delay.


Coronavirus Switzerland - Questions for the experts


We have raised more than 42 million francs in donations to help those hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic in Switzerland. Thanks to your solidarity, we have funded 150 projects being run by 114 Swiss organisations. How are projects selected?


President of the Swiss Confederation, Simonetta Sommaruga, launches ‘Coronavirus International’ national solidarity day


Am heutigen nationalen Solidaritätstag für Coronavirus International sammeln wir Spenden für die Menschen auf der Welt, die in durch Naturkatastrophen, Kriegen und Konflikten bereits geschwächten Ländern besonders hart von der Krise getroffen werden.


22 October 2020: «Coronavirus International» National Day of Solidarity


The coronavirus crisis is pushing the poorest of the world’s poor even further into misery. For people living in refugee camps, slums, war zones or extremely impoverished countries, living conditions have deteriorated so dramatically that the need for our help has never been so urgent.


Coronavirus: What your donations do


It’s an encouraging sign of solidarity: Since mid-March when we started fundraising for people in Switzerland severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve raised over 42 million francs.