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Your donation makes a difference !


Wir publizieren regelmässig unsere Wirkungsanalysen: In unseren Newslettern, auf unseren Social-Media-Kanälen und im neu erschienen Jahresbericht, den wir auf unserer Website publizieren.

Thank you so much for placing your trust in us. I know that you want your donation to have the greatest impact possible , and this is something we take very seriously. We constantly monitor the long-term impact of the aid we are able to deliver as a result of your support.

Annual report 2019

Donations in 2019: The 29.2 million Swiss francs we raised is being used to support 234 different projects run by our partner relief organisations, which together are helping around six million people in 37 countries.

In ourannual reportandfinancial statementwe give transparent and detailed information on how your donations have been used and the impact they have had.

annual reportfinancial statement

Nepal – 5 years later

We carried out an impact analysisfive years after the devastating earthquake in Nepal. It covered, on the one hand, people’s satisfaction with the aid, and on the other, cooperation with the local authorities, our partners and Swiss Solidarity. Here too, the picture was positive. You would be amazed by the impact your donation has on those affected. For example, 97% of people surveyed were satisfied with the earthquake-resistant homes donations like yours helped to build.

five years after the devastating earthquake in Nepal

Haiti – 10 years after

An evaluation conducted in Haitiexamined the extent to which the projects we funded in the wake of the 2010 earthquake have had a positive impact on people’s lives. The findings were largely positive.The evaluation team was surprised to find so many people still living in the houses built ten years ago.

An evaluation conducted in Haiti

The evaluation showed, among other things, that 90% of the people who received assistance were able to cover their basic needs and secure a livelihood.