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National Day of Solidarity for East Africa on 23 November


In the Horn of Africa, over 36 million people are in need of aid due to the worst drought in 40 years and rising food prices. To address the scale of this humanitarian crisis and expand aid in the affected countries, Swiss Solidarity is organising a national day of solidarity on 23 November with the support of the SRG. An appeal for donations will be made on TV and radio channels and online from 07:00 to 23:00.

Increasing deterioration of the situation over the last few years

Four consecutive poor rain seasons have led to an exceptional drought that could become one of the worst climate change-related crises in the recent history of the Horn of Africa. Two regions in Somalia are at immediate risk of famine and the current rain season does not seem to be improving the situation either. In addition, almost 9 million livestock, which the nomadic families need for their livelihood, have died and the harvests have failed. Under these circumstances, people are forced to leave their homes in a desperate search for food, water and shelter. In the affected regions, food prices continue to rise due to a combination of factors: below-average harvests and high raw material and fuel prices on international markets as a direct result of the war in Ukraine.

East Africa is heading for an almost invisible humanitarian disaster of enormous proportions. With our support, our Swiss partner organisations are already providing important aid on the ground. Further assistance is urgently needed to address the scale of the crisis, which is affecting many children and families.

Miren Bengoa


Help already started via Swiss partner organisations

We opened a donation account for the drought in East Africa back in April and have already been able to use donations and immediate funding from the Swiss Solidarity Emergency Relief Fund to provide over 1.8 million Swiss francs in support for those affected. Swiss Solidarity partner organizations active on the ground - including Caritas Switzerland, HEKS, Helvetas, Medair, Save the Children Switzerland and the Terre des hommes Foundation - are already providing urgently needed emergency assistance in the form of cash support, access to clean water, health services and food distributions. They are also implementing projects to treat and prevent malnutrition in children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.


Donations for the affected people in East Africa can be made online or at any post office directly at the counter with the mention "Hunger in East Africa".

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