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Humanitarian crisis in the Middle East

The escalation of the war in the Middle East has caused a dramatic humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon. Swiss Solidarity is launching an urgent appeal for donations to step up humanitarian aid in view of the regionalisation of the conflict and the ensuing scale of the humanitarian crisis. 


Start of campaignNov 2023
Crisis type War
LocationGaza, Lebanon
Donations received: CHF 8'424'696

The escalation of the war in the Middle East causes an unparalleled humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. The civilian population is on the verge of starvation and suffering from severe shortages of food, medicines, drinking water and electricity, among other necessities. In Lebanon, the violence is causing thousands of deaths and injuries. Hundred of thousands of people had to flee the bombardments. Our Swiss partner organisations including Caritas, Medair, Terre des hommes and Save the Children are providing assistance on the ground.

    “While the situation in Gaza is catastrophic, there is fear of a regional war in the Middle East. In fact, the recent events unfolding in Lebanon seem to indicate that this regional war may be materialising. We fear a dramatic increase in humanitarian needs. We urgently need more donations so that we can continue to support the suffering civilian population in this region.”

    Miren Bengoa


    Update on the situation

    Your donations enable us to:  

    • Distribute food kits and basic necessities to displaced families  
    • Provide shelters for displaced families 
    • Deliver healthcare via mobile clinics 
    • Distribute winter clothing
    • Provide one-time financial aid to several thousand families to cover their basic needs 
    • Provide psychosocial support to women and children traumatised by violence  

    Humanitarian crisis in the Middle East

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    Our 2024 : Over 63 million francs used for aid


    The humanitarian crises in Sudan and the Middle East, the severe weather in Switzerland and the war in Ukraine were the focus of our work last year.


    Humanitarian emergency in the Middle East: Swiss Solidarity activates its Emergency fund


    The past few days have seen a series of humanitarian crises severely disrupt the lives of many thousands of people. Of particular concern is the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has already led to thousands of deaths.

    Committed partners

    Dedicated and passionate players are working tirelessly on the ground, their expertise and commitment key to our mission of providing vital support to communities in need. 

    Terre des hommes

    Terre des hommes

    Terres des hommes foundation builds a better future for underprivileged children in more than 30 countries. Health and protection projects improve the daily lives of two million children and their families each year.

    Swiss Church Aid (HEKS/EPER)

    Swiss Church Aid (HEKS/EPER)

    Swiss Church Aid (HEKS/EPER), the relief agency of the Protestant Church in Switzerland, delivers humanitarian aid in response to natural disasters and armed conflicts and strives to counter the root causes of poverty and injustice. HEKS/EPER also seeks to bring about systemic change through its development work.



    Frieda – the Feminist Peace Organisation is committed to peace and justice, with a focus on equality for women. With projects in Switzerland and abroad, Frieda contributes to the protection against gender-based violence and the promotion of social, economic and political participation.

    Médecins du Monde Suisse

    Médecins du Monde Suisse

    Médecins du Monde Suisse runs humanitarian and development programs providing solutions in a perspective of sustainability, with a particular focus on access to healthcare for mothers, children and vulnerable populations, worldwide and in Switzerland.



    Medair helps people suffering in remote and devastated communities around the world to survive crises, recover with dignity and develop the skills they need to build a better future.

    Swiss Red Cross

    Swiss Red Cross

    The Swiss Red Cross (SRC) is the largest and most important humanitarian organization in Switzerland. It helps people in need in the areas of health, integration and rescue. The SRC is represented throughout Switzerland and is active in around 30 countries.


    What your donation achieves

    What guides our work in the humanitarian crisis in Gaza


    We are committed to preventing and combating suffering wherever it occurs, with a particular focus on the most vulnerable people. 


    As humanitarian organisations, we remain operationally neutral, we do not take sides in hostilities and we do not get involved in political, religious or ideological controversies that could hamper aid. 


    Our support is provided without discrimination as to nationality, race, gender, religious beliefs, class or political opinion. Priority is given to the most urgent needs. 


    To guarantee the effectiveness of our humanitarian aid, we work independently of any political, economic, military or other objectives.  

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    • War in Ukraine
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