Socio-professional integration of young people in Switzerland
Socio-professional integration of young people in Switzerland
We are working to ensure that young people in precarious situations in Switzerland can build a future for themselves.
Combating poverty among young people in Switzerland
In Switzerland, young people aged 15 to 25 often find themselves in precarious situations and run the risk of being affected by poverty. One in 10 young people is currently untrained or jobless. By the age of 18, many young women and men risk falling below the poverty line. At particular risk are young people who have not completed compulsory schooling or post-compulsory training.
A number of issues are likely to lead to an interrupted education: gender inequalities, relationship problems within the family, health issues, problems linked to financial and social precarity, problems linked to migration, difficulties at school, an increasingly demanding job market, a lack of information on existing training options and poor guidance… the list goes on.
While for some of them the interruption is only temporary, for others it is part of a pattern that seriously jeopardises their professional future. An interrupted education can compromise social integration and drive young people into insecurity.
Thanks to your donations, we can fund projects run by Swiss organisations that help young people find their way and integrate into the working world.
We are working hard to change that: the donations we raise make it possible to fund projects run by Swiss organisations specialising in socio-professional integration.
"We select projects that can sustainably help young people in Switzerland by giving them the means to regain their self-confidence, facilitate the acquisition of personal and social skills, and acquire key skills and knowledge for the labour market and life in society"
Stefanie Werder, Head of Social Action Switzerland, Swiss Solidarity
The impact of your donation
Thanks to your donation, the organisations we support are able to deliver projects that respond to the specific needs of beneficiaries:
- They mobilise personal resources and basic skills, strengthen the individual and improve self-esteem.
- They provide support to the most vulnerable, enabling them to rebuild their lives at their own pace and preparing them to either enter the workforce or undergo training.
- They offer vocational training that provides qualifications to young people requiring ongoing support.
- For young people from a migrant background who have recently arrived in Switzerland, these organisations improve the odds that they will integrate socially and professionally.
- They provide young women with socio-professional integration opportunities, while taking into account the specific problems they may face.
More information
Organizations whose projects we supported in 2022
In 2022, Swiss Solidarity supported the following organizations through its fund dedicated to the socio-professional integration of young people:
- A Part Entière
- Association des Habitant.e.s du Quartier de la Concorde (AHQC)
- Association JeunesParents
- Association La Barje
- Association Lire et Ecrire
- Association ParMi
- Association REPER
- Associazione Il Tragitto
- Associazione L'ORA
- Associazione SOS Ticino
- Associazione Telefono SOS Infanzia, Progetto Treebù
- Caritas Zürich
- Centre Social Protestant de Genève
- Eglise catholique Canton de Vaud – Département Solidarités
- EQUIPE VOLO Stiftung
- Fondation Asile des aveugles – Service Portails
- Fondation Cherpillod
- Lernstatt Känguruh
- Multimondo
- OSEO Valais
- Quellenhof-Stiftung
- Rotes Kreuz Schaffhausen
- Schweiz. Arbeiterhilfswerk Schaffhausen
- Stiftung Futuri
- Stiftung Gott hilft, Betrieb Jugendstation ALLTAG
- Stiftung La Capriola
- Stiftung Start Again
- Verein Appisberg
- Verein tipiti
To submit a funding request
You are an organization or association active in Switzerland and would like to apply for funding? Click here (French) or here (German) for more details.
Together, we want to provide direct and concrete help to young people at risk in Switzerland. Thank you, because your donation will make a difference in these people's lives.