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The HeartBeats project by Claudia Knie and Carolina Caroli aims to support children in Switzerland. As part of this project, large synthetic resin hearts painted by Swiss artists will be exhibited in different parts of Switzerland before being auctioned online.

Dates of upcoming exhibitions:

  • 24. August – 27. September:
    Lugano, Via Nassa

  • In 2024, further exhibitions are planned in the French-speaking part of Switzerland.

Half of the proceeds from the auctioned hearts will benefit children who have been victims or witnesses of violence or neglect in their own homes.

Child Protection in Switzerland

It is essential that children who suffer violence within their family can receive help that corresponds to their specific needs, whether they are alone or accompanied by a parent. Switzerland has many institutions which work on child protection. However, there is still a lack of space in emergency accommodations, both for children on their own and for children accompanied by a mother or father who is also a victim of violence. Furthermore, not all institutions are able to respond adequately to the specific needs of the people who come to them for help.

In addition to providing support and assistance to children who are victims of domestic violence, we support projects dedicated to the early recognition of domestic violence, the prevention of violence and the promotion of health.

"Thanks to the support of HeartBeats, we are able to facilitate projects for children who are affected by abuse or, due to precarious family circumstances, are at increased risk. However, child protection does not begin with supporting those affected, it already starts with prevention. Every child should have the opportunity to grow up happy and carefree."
Stefanie Werder, Programme manager Switzerland

Thank you very much, together we make the difference!

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