Fouryearsof war
For almost four years Yemen has been wracked by a bitter civil war, which has weakened the local population and shattered the health system.
1.8millionundernourished children
It has become very difficult for the Yemeni population to access food, and so 1.8 million children are now suffering from undernourishment.
Health system on the edge of collapse
The civil war has not only weakened the population, it has also greatly affected infrastructures such as the drinking water supply and medical care in particular. Fewer than half of the country’s medical facilities still function properly.
Health, water and hygiene
Although working in Yemen is extremely difficult and dangerous, several of our partner NGOs and their local partners are on the ground administering medical aid, in particular treating undernourished children, and providing access to water and hygiene.
One million francs for Yemen
Swiss Solidarity is immediately releasing one million francs from its emergency fund to provide aid in Yemen. However, your donations are also needed to help alleviate the huge suffering of the Yemeni people.