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Swiss Solidarity in 2022 - Our Annual Report


Now etched into our memories, 2022 will be remembered as a year of considerable challenges. More than ever, Swiss Solidarity’s mission held an important place in the minds and hearts of the people of Switzerland. The highlights of our 2022 fundraising campaigns and projects are detailed in our annual report.

A record campaign for Ukraine

How can we not think of the war in Ukraine when recalling the highlights of 2022? This tragedy shaped our year and will remain a major concern in the months to come. The solidarity of the people of Switzerland was once more truly remarkable. We received more than 130 million francs in donations and our Ukraine campaign was the second-largest fundraising drive in our history. So far, we funded 82 humanitarian projects and helped thousands of people affected by war.

Click hereto learn more about our aid for the victims of the war in Ukraine.

Click here

Mobilization for East Africa and Pakistan

In 2022, we also worked to help the people affected by the severe hunger crisis in East Africa. With the money collected during our National Day of Solidarity, the emergency aid was quickly financed and projects for food distribution and medical care were made possible.

We also called on solidarity to help the victims of the terrible floods in Pakistan.

You can find out more about our international campaigns by clicking onthis link.

this link

For more information on our 2022 activities, click here:

Annual Report

Annual Report