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Follow the launch of our solidarity campaigns, keep abreast of developments in the countries where we work, and see the tangible impact of your donations. Discover first-hand accounts from the field and see how, thanks to you, aid reaches those who need it most.


Ukraine: National Day of Solidarity on 9 March


In collaboration with the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SRG SSR), we will be holding a National Day of Solidarity for the people of Ukraine on Wednesday, 9 March 2022. The event seeks to provide an appropriate response to the massive emerging humanitarian crisis and build on the tremendous wave of solidarity that is rising in Switzerland.


Ukraine: Call for solidarity


Ukraine has been suffering an unrelenting assault by the Russian army since February 24. The people are fearful for their country’s uncertain future. To address the magnitude of the looming humanitarian crisis, we have launched a call for solidarity with the Ukrainian population and are accepting donations now.


Swiss Solidarity’s first “Solidarity Barometer” to be published on its 75th Anniversary


To launch our week of solidarity taking place from the 12th to the 17th December in collaboration with the SRG : we are publishing our first “Solidarity Barometer” which assesses how solidarity is perceived among the Swiss population.

Press release

Evaluation in Nepal: Earthquake victims able to rebuild their lives thanks to support from Switzerland


In Nepal, Swiss Solidarity along with eleven partner NGOs has been able to support more than 1.3...


Media photos: Management members of Swiss Solidarity



Miren Bengoa

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Ernst Lüber

Head of Project Department

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Press release

In 2019 largest amount for people in Switzerland


Thanks to generous donors, last year Swiss Solidarity was able to help around six million people in...


New support for homeless and excluded people in Switzerland


Homeless or without a fixed address, these people are excluded, suffer from isolation and face many health problems. We are accepting donations and launching an appeal for projects to give these people back their place in Swiss society.


Ten years on, what do the people of haiti think of the aid funded by your donations?


Haiti, 10 years on: How your donations are still making a difference today


A decade has passed since a devastating earthquake struck Haiti. Since then, over two million people affected by the 2010 disaster have benefited from projects funded by your donations. Here are a few examples of what our partner NGOs have been able to accomplish with your support, whose effects are still felt today.

Press release

Impact analysis of aid in Haiti: high satisfaction level despite difficult conditions


Ten years after the devastating earthquake in Haiti, which occurred on 12 January 2010, a...