Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the war has had an enormous impact on the daily lives of Ukrainians in all areas. The many bombings have led to the massive destruction of crucial infrastructure and jeopardised access to electricity, heating, water, health and education. Over the past two years, we have mobilised more than CHF 80 million in donations for 109 humanitarian aid projects. We collected 135 million francs in donations for humanitarian aid in Ukraine, the second highest amount in the Foundation’s history.
Targeted support for the most vulnerable
Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, we have continuously adapted our strategy to the needs of the people affected by the war. While aid was extended to neighbouring countries such as Moldova, Poland and Romania in the first few months (36 projects totalling CHF 6.8 million), it was later refocused on eastern Ukraine, which was directly affected by the fighting, and on areas to which many people had fled. We used almost 90% of all donations directly in Ukraine and focussed on people with special needs. These include children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, single parents with several children, older people and people with disabilities. The development of our aid over the course of the war can be found on the map below
Our current support in Ukraine is focussed on three main areas:
Emergency aid and individual needs of people:We support affected people with cash grants, including before and during the cold winter (for heating costs or warm clothing) or to cover basic needs such as food, clothing, medical care or transport to health facilities or safer areas. Around half (47%) of the donations in Ukraine were used for this area.
Repair of houses, buildings and important infrastructure:One third (32%) of the donations went to projects to repair houses and infrastructure. Today, these projects make up a large proportion of the aid we fund and enable those affected to continue living in their own homes by repairing damaged buildings and providing insulation for the winter.
Access to healthcare:Since the beginning of the war, numerous hospitals and clinics have been bombed. In order to restore access to healthcare, we support projects to rehabilitate these buildings, provide basic medical equipment, set up mobile clinics and train staff. Around 10% of donations in Ukraine were used for this support.
Thanks to the tireless work of our Swiss partner organisations, we can continue to support people affected by the war in Ukraine.
The organisations we support in Ukraine include Médecins Sans Frontières, Caritas Switzerland, Fondation Suisse de Déminage, Fondation Digger, Fondation Terre des hommes, HEKS, Helvetas, ICRC, Medair, Médecins du Monde, Save the Children, Swiss Red Cross, Solidar Suisse and the Hirondelle Foundation
Donations to support the victims of the war in Ukraine are still possible.
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