Precarious living conditions
In August 2017, around 780’000 people of the ethnic minority Rohingya fled from Myanmar to Bangladesh. They now live in the biggest refugee camp of the world under precarious conditions.
Together with our partner NGOs we have been supporting these people since the beginning of the crisis. Thanks to your donations, we finance the construction of latrines, access to drinking water and medical aid, safe places for children, distribution of material for construction and reinforcement of dwellings.
Fundraising day on Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Yet just now, as these people are threatened with a new catastrophe, we don’t have enough financial means to continue with this aid. The monsoon endangers the people. The rain turns the clay soil into mud, the light dwellings start slipping, latrines are flooded and due to exposed faeces, illnesses and epidemics can rapidly spread through the camp.
Therefore, we organize a national fundraising day on Wednesday, 23rd May 2018, and appeal for your solidarity with the Rohingya. Your donation makes a difference to these people.
Your support
We hope that we can count on your support and look forward to your call on 23rd May between 6 am until midnight or to your online donation. We would also appreciate if you mobilized your family and friends via Social Media with a fundraising appeal and with posts with the hashtag #SwissSolidarityForRohingya.
Many thanks!