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Famine in Africa: This is how we have used your donations


Since our national day of solidarity for famine victims in Africa on 11 April 2017, we have received donations amounting to CHF 17.8 million. Our partner NGOs use this money to care for undernourished children, provide water and food and treat the ill and injured.

Aid administered

Thanks to your donations:

    We have so far funded 12 aid projects run by 9 partner NGOs.This aid is reaching 416,000 children, women and men.Our partner NGOs are working in South Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, Uganda and Niger.

  • We have so far funded 12 aid projects run by 9 partner NGOs.
  • This aid is reaching 416,000 children, women and men.
  • Our partner NGOs are working in South Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, Uganda and Niger.
  • How we help

    Our partner NGOs are currently treating undernourished infants, administering primary medical care and ensuring access to drinking water, food and sanitary facilities.

    Thanks to your donation

      our partner NGO Save the Children is treating children facing famine in two new nutrition centres in Somalia.families facing famine receive food vouchers from ADRA with which they can buy essential goods at the market.South Sudanese refugees in the Bidi Bidi refugee camp in Uganda have access to clean drinking water and better sanitary facilities.

  • our partner NGO Save the Children is treating children facing famine in two new nutrition centres in Somalia.
  • families facing famine receive food vouchers from ADRA with which they can buy essential goods at the market.
  • South Sudanese refugees in the Bidi Bidi refugee camp in Uganda have access to clean drinking water and better sanitary facilities.
  • Too little money

    For people in Somalia, South Sudan and Nigeria, war and drought have made life unbearable. Many flee their homes to escape death and protect their children, and often end up in camps in neighbouring countries. They travel long distances and arrive at the camps very weak and traumatized.

    The aid they receive, funded thanks to your donation, is hugely important. Our partner NGOs have already provided emergency aid to over 416,000 people in South Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, Uganda and Niger.

    But millions have yet to receive help. Famine and war threaten their lives. We require a further two to three million francs so that our partner NGOs can help these people too.

    We are very grateful for your donation and the solidarity you show with the people suffering in Africa.

    Donate now

    You can donate anytimeonlineor via ourSwiss Solidarity app– or transfer your donation to the post office account 10-15000-6 (reference “Famine in Africa”). Swiss Solidarity payment slips are available at all post offices.

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