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Famine in Africa


Thanks to your generosity since last April’s launch of the fundraising campaign, Swiss Solidarity have raised nearly 19 million francs.

19 million francs to help around 800,000 people

Drought in Africa remains one of the forgotten crises. The situation in South Sudan, Somalia and Nigeria, which have been hit by both conflict and drought, remains extremely critical for millions of people. While pockets of famine, strictly speaking, have not materialised, there remain vast regions categorised as urgent where entire populations depend completely on humanitarian aid for their survival.

A major segment of the population has also sought refuge in neighbouring countries, including Uganda and Niger. Your donations help fund emergency relief, providing access to drinking water, therapeutic foods for severely malnourished children, food distribution, medical care and hygiene measures to keep disease from spreading. Child protection measures and mental health counselling for people traumatised by war are also funded.

So far, your donation has enabled us to:

• Fund18 projectsin Somalia, Niger, Nigeria, Uganda and South Sudan carried out by12 partner NGOs:

ADRA, Caritas, Swiss Red Cross, ICRC, Christoffel Blindenmission, EPER, Handicap International, MSF, Medair, Terre des hommes – child relief and Save the Children, Vétérinaires Sans Frontières

• Reach around800,00 children, women and men