Extensive destruction and a solidarity response
Over 30 municipalities have been severely devastated by the devastating storms over the last few weeks. Several people lost their lives and hundreds had to leave their homes. Swiss Solidarity, together with SRG and various private media, has launched an appeal for solidarity and has so far collected over CHF 10 million in donations for emergency aid. The aid is primarily focussed on private individuals in the affected communities.
Immediate and sustainable aid
Swiss Solidarity’s aid is provided in two phases: Ongoing immediate aid via the municipalities primarily helps private individuals to bridge the most urgent shortages. The immediate aid phase focuses on essential purchases and covering costs that need to be financed immediately after the disaster. Examples include the cost of temporary accommodation, transport costs because people can no longer live in the same place, or the purchase of new clothes because they have lost everything. Swiss Solidarity has already transferred more than half a million Swiss francs in immediate aid to affected communities and will make further funds available over the next few days.
Long-term support and residual costs
In a second step, Swiss Solidarity finances residual costs incurred by private individuals, associations and smaller companies. There is also the possibility that, following detailed evaluations, residual costs of particularly affected municipalities may also be financed. The Foundation’s support is always subsidiary, i.e. it supplements the assistance provided by the public sector and insurance companies. It is primarily used where there are gaps in the system, the effects of the disaster justify this and Swiss Solidarity can utilise the donations efficiently.If the donations received by Swiss Solidarity exceed the requirements, the remaining amount is allocated to the Swiss Disaster Fund. This fund covers damage caused by severe weather to private individuals in the event of minor events in Switzerland.