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Rockslide at Bondo

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Rockslide at Bondo

The rockslide at Bondo has left a trail of destruction in Val Bondasca in Graubünden. We are providing emergency aid and bridging aid and meeting the costs of the clean-up operation.

Landslide with dramatic impact

On Wednesday, 23 August 2017 part of the Piz Cengalo mountain fell away, causing a rockslide that laid waste to Val Bondasca and submerged houses and agricultural buildings. Some roads and access routes were severely damaged or totally destroyed.

This natural disaster may not yet be over. Millions more tonnes of rock could fall away at any time.

Funds received: CHF 5,942,011

Your donation makes a difference. With your support, we can help the victims of Bondo.

How your donation helps

  • Emergency aid
    We use your donations to provide emergency aid to individuals and families so they can buy essential items, such as new clothes.
  • Bridging aid
    We also support those who require temporary accommodation and who no longer have work owing to the catastrophe.
  • Clear-up operation
    Later on, when it is known what costs are covered by insurance companies and others, we can help further by meeting part of the remaining costs for repairing houses and businesses and the costs for cleaning up the village.

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