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Explosion in Beirut - How your donation helps


Thanks to your donations we can fund projects run by our partner NGOs to help people in Beirut quickly and where they need it most. THANK YOU!

Devastating catastrophe

On 4 August, a devastating catastrophe struck Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. A large amount of ammonium nitrate stored at the docks exploded, destroying and damaging buildings and infrastructure up to several kilometres away.

In two explosions, 220 people were killed and more than 6,000 were injured. Around 300,000 lost their homes and now require urgent help.

Rapid help

Thanks to their long-term presence and work in Lebanon, several of our partner NGOs were able to provide rapid emergency support. They are usually involved in providing aid for Syrian refugees in the country, and they have worked for several years with recognized local organizations.

Their valuable experience and knowledge of the country meant that our partner NGOs were able to provide aid where it was needed most urgently. And thanks to your donations, we have been able to fund their projects and can support others going forward.

How your donation is used in reconstruction

So far, we have been funding five projects run by our partner NGOs in very different areas. This means your donation helps in all kinds of ways.

Swiss Red Cross

The Swiss and Lebanese Red Cross organizations work together distributing aid such as water, food, hygiene articles, mattresses and blankets, as well as materials and cash to repair damaged homes.

And from the time the catastrophe struck, they were involved in helping to organize blood donations.


The Medair co-workers distribute materials to help people repair their damaged homes, at least temporarily. Tarpaulins, wood and tools for 2,821 apartments have been distributed so that people can stay in their own homes.

The Medair staff also help to carry out repairs to make the homes more habitable, and distribute kits with baby and hygiene articles.


HEKS is working with its long-term partner NGO Najdeh, focusing on distributing cash. 1,750 families in two of the worst hit districts have received maximum two handouts of USD 100 to buy food or fund repairs to their homes.


Caritas is working with the local Lebanese Caritas organization, with an emphasis on distributing money to families struck by the disaster so that they can buy food or other essentials. Caritas also funds repairs to damaged homes and provide psychological and psychosocial support to those traumatized by what they experienced.

Terre des Hommes -Children’s relief

Terre des hommes – Children’s relief focuses on helping children and families particularly hard hit by the disaster, providing goods and ensuring that they receive medical, psychological and legal support. They also organize activities specially for children to help them overcome their trauma and recover from the terrible things they experienced.